So, today I booked myself on a L2 gym instructor course and then a L3 Personal Trainer course and I actually cannot wait to get started in the new year.
I've only ever had two jobs since I was 16, and both of them have been working in restaurants. In both of these jobs I have worked my way up to manager level. As time is getting on I've decided I need a change as I'm getting a bit fed up, and the kids are at an age where I don't have to do EVERYTHING for them. Although they are only 6, so I still have to cook I guess, and remind my son to change his socks at least once a week!
Anyways, I've always been interested and enjoyed sport and exercise. But what with work and kids, I just never seemed to find the time and I've been thinking about doing it for a long time now. Especially since joining a running group just over a year ago. I was nervous about joining the group, but it's also one of the best things I've done and I've made some friends along the way. So I've done something about it..............
When I was at school we all had to do some work experience. I arranged to to mine at a leisure centre, as I fancied working in one. In what capacity I wasn't sure, but it interested me. The day before I was due to start I got appendicitis. So it never happened.......
It wasn't until I booked my course today that I wondered if I hadn't have got ill would I be working in the industry I'm in now. But, on the other side of the coin I probably wouldn't have met my hubby and have my gorgeous kids. I truly believe everything happens for a reason. So here's to the future........whatever it brings..........
Hey, we'll done, so proud and I know you will do great at this xxxxxx